• พาร์ททาม
  • จำหน่าย

宝くじ販売スタッフ募集!40~50代の女性スタッフが活躍中★ 冷暖房完備&座ったままの接客ですので、無理なく働けます!

株式会社ビーエヌシー 千葉支店

* Application period has been closed. *
Web Access No.1601577
Company Message

早番(4時間30分)または遅番(5時間10分) 平日3日+土日祝1日の出勤をお願いします。シフトはお気軽にご相談ください!


Job Summary

Employment Status พาร์ททาม
Job Type จำหน่าย
Required Language ภาษาญี่ปุ่น
Number of Positions จำนวนหนึ่ง
Work Location - 千葉県 鴨川/木更津/君津/富津/袖ケ浦
[Work Location detail]
Work Hours 09:40~18:50
[Work Hours detail]
早番(09:40~14:40 4時間30分)または遅番(13:10~18:50 5時間10分)
Job Description ・宝くじの販売
Compensation รายชั่วโมง 1,070円(土日祝は100円/時間の特定勤務手当)+交通費規定内支給
Benefits ・制服貸与

Company Summary

Company Name株式会社ビーエヌシー 千葉支店


Application Method
* Application period has been closed. *
Preservation of Job Applicant's rights and equal opportunity employment
Hiring companies shall not discriminate any applicants in regards to employment and any other benefits based on their race, skin color, religion, gender, sexual preference, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizen status, genetics, and any other category protected by laws. Moreover, hiring companies shall comply with the laws of respective countries and regions in determining employment conditions such as compensation and holidays. Should you find any violation of this policy, please contact us.