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  • Registrant : 地域の学びステーション エスタ 木更津祇園校
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2022/08/23
  • Published : 2022/08/23
  • Changed :2022/08/23
  • Total View : 348 persons
2022/8/28 - 2022/8/28 / 千葉県 木更津市 / School / Seminar

August 28th ( Sun ) Web Apps Programming Workshop

Workshop to learn how to link web forms and spreadsheet software !.

We will invite Mr. Kumanaka, an active system engineer !

, and hold a workshop to learn how to connect web forms and spreadsheet software by using GAS ( Google Apps Script, a programming language provided by Google ). We will hold a workshop to learn how to use GAS Google Apps Script, a programming language provided by Google to link web forms and spreadsheet software.

GAS can be used to automate and link various tasks, and is recommended for students and graduates in the second half of their programming course, as well as for working professionals who are considering improving their business efficiency.

Workshop Details ・ To register, please visit the [Events] page on the Esta website.

Local Learning Station Esta Kisarazu
Venue Esta Kisarazu School
Address 2920052 千葉県 木更津市 祇園1-1-6
Date 2022/8/28 - 2022/8/28
Time 15:00 minute(s) - 17:00 minute(s)
Time detail
Getting here JR久留里線祇園駅より徒歩4分
Venue detail あかしや通り沿い、君津信用組合さんの隣り

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