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カットとカラーの専門店 BON

Why don't you have a cut and color before shopping or while waiting for your child's lessons ? ✂ We use a natural herb-based hair dye that is also used in high-end salons. Beautiful hair while dyeing ✨.


Phone (0439) 32-1911
Address 293-0012 千葉県 富津市 イオンモール富津1F 専門店北入り口
Hours Sunday 9:00-19:00
Monday 9:00-19:00
Tuesday 9:00-19:00
Wednesday 9:00-19:00
Thursday 9:00-19:00
Friday 9:00-19:00
Saturday 9:00-19:00
最終受付:カット18:30 カラー17:00

Vivinavi - Town Guide

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